Located in Saxonburg with 51 acres of land & a 7,788 square foot training facility.
Who We Are
The Pennsylvania Laborers Training Center is a first class facility with the expertise to train Laborers in all the current craft skills. This training provides our signatory contractors with a competitive edge. The training staff is qualified to provide cutting edge technological skills to every apprentice and journey worker. Currently, there are 50 courses offered, covering such topics as: concrete, asbestos, scaffold building, blueprint reading, ICRA, and First Aid/CPR/AED. (Full Course Listing) All current members and active apprentices are strongly encouraged to utilize this valuable resource to better prepare themselves for future employment.
How To Schedule Training
Must be an active member in one of the Locals within the LDCOWPA
Registration for all Training Courses must be made by calling the Training Center
Courses are offered on a first-come/first-serve basis
All courses start promptly at 7:00 am - 3:30 pm
Courses are subject to change at the Training Center's discretion

Our History
The PA Laborers Training Center is a cutting-edge facility with capabilities for training Laborer's in all the current skills that give our contractors a competitive edge. Constructed in 1992, we have continually expanded in size and curriculum to incorporate all the latest technology, equipment, and certifications our journeymen and apprentices need to do their jobs safely and effectively.
Our employees are highly trained and knowledgeable, with nationally recognized, certified instructors that will teach the latest skills to every apprentice and journeyman, as well as highly qualified staff to register you for classes and answer all your questions pertaining to certification.
Training Center By the Numbers
Year Our Training Center Was Founded
Courses We Are Currently Offering
Members We Have Successfully Trained
Square Feet Of Our Training Facility